Benefits of Sesame Seeds

Benefits of Sesame Seeds


Benefits of Sesame Seeds

  • One serving of sesame seeds delivers up to 12% of the fiber in the body, which improves a person’s digestive health.

  • Hulled sesame seeds are an ideal source of protein and work as a building block of the body.

  • Sesame seeds are abundant in niacin, thiamine, and vitamin B6 for proper metabolism and cellular function.

  • It is rich in antioxidants, quality, and proteins but low in carbohydrates.

  • Sesamin and sesamolin have antibacterial properties and play a vital role in protecting your body against different diseases.

  • They are packed in copper, which helps produce red blood cells and supports better immune function.

  • The antioxidant properties also inhibit plaque buildup for good oral hygiene.
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